_NcbibaseblastCommandline クラス

_NcbibaseblastCommandline クラス (Bio.Blast.Applications モジュール)


class _NcbibaseblastCommandline(AbstractCommandline)

継承関係:Application.AbstractCommandline → _NcbibaseblastCommandline

NCBI BLAST+のラッパーのコマンドラインオブジェクトのための基底クラスです。


__init__(cmd=None, **kwargs)

@ [APIドキュメント]

**kwargsに指定する引数とBLASTコマンドのオプションとの対応は次のようになります。(source code(GitHub)をもとに作成)

h-hboolPrint USAGE and DESCRIPTION; ignore other arguments.
help-helpboolPrint USAGE, DESCRIPTION and ARGUMENTS description; ignore other arguments.
version-versionboolPrint version number; ignore other arguments.
out-outstrOutput file for alignment.
outfmt-outfmtintAlignment view. Typically an integer 0-14 but for some formats can be named columns like ‘6 qseqid sseqid’. Use 5 for XML output (differs from classic BLAST which used 7 for XML).
show_gis-show_gisboolShow NCBI GIs in deflines?
num_descriptions-num_descriptionsint500Number of database sequences to show one-line descriptions for. Integer argument (at least zero).
num_alignments-num_alignmentsint200Number of database sequences to show num_alignments for. Integer argument (at least zero).
line_length-line_lengthint60Line length for formatting alignments.
html-htmlboolProduce HTML output?
parse_deflines-parse_deflinesboolShould the query and subject defline(s) be parsed?


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